The resources at Inspirus for IELTS® practice are vast. By going through practice test after practice test every day, I the haphazard one perennially running late, was able to complete my IELTS® prep in just 10 days – and scored 9.0 bands in three of the 4 sections!
The speaking section had troubled me initially. But thanks to the many one on one speaking test practice sessions I had and the many tips I received from Inspirus on how to and what to answer, strategies on body language and the approach of keeping my cool when having to talk about something I had no clue about, I was able to build up my confidence and speak without a hitch on the test day – it totally paid off when I got a perfect score in that department.
I practiced equally on all sections and received support on all doubts. I highly recommend Inspirus for all your IELTS preparation needs.